Thursday, March 24, 2016

Scorched Earth

The world will end one day, that is unavoidable. However humans have a particular knack for speeding up the process of our own demise, and here is how I think that we are going to do it. The way I think we will all die is what has tried Disease. So look since the dawn of our species we have been almost wiped out more times than you can count by organisms that we haven't been able to see until the about two/ three centuries ago. Now this TED Talk Bill Gates talks about how we are not ready for the next outbreak of a disease after how badly we handled Ebola. Now if you want to know just how badly disease has made a population watch this video , but if you are lazy what you need to know is that the diseases that the Europeans brought with them to the new world decimate the population of the Native Americans long before the battles between the two began. So disease if no one cares ( or knows about it) can devastate a population ( see the black death). But there is another road we can take on the path to death that won't lead us to death by disease. That ( if you watched the first video) is what Bill talks about near the end of his video is an action plan ( which you can see me lay out here). But we need people like Jon Snow. Jon Snow was a doctor back in Victorian London where after years of sleuthing was able to stop a Cholera outbreak and founded the science of Epidemiology while doing it ( watch a man who would make Sherlock Homes and Batman blush, here). So I begin all of this up to say this, " UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not"- Dr Seuss. So let us all care enough to come together and make a plan to stop one of our oldest rivals.


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