Sunday, March 13, 2016

Envirogamer: Minecraft

So in Minecraft ( this will be covering the Xbox version of Minecraft) you start off not knowing where you are and then you can do whatever you what ( Note: this session was played in the mode survival). However today I had a mission connect Earth & Environmental Science to Minecraft and this is how I did it. So unlike in the PC version where you have an infinite amount of world, You only have so much land and that is all. So my connection to E&ES was conservation of resources, because you only have some much land that makes resources limited. So first limited resources is ores. Ores are things like Iron, Coal, Gold, Emerald, and the crown jewel Diamond. So these resources are limited and can't be regrown  ( just like coal in the real world). Another thing ( and the one that gave me this idea) is trees.. Trees offer the first resource of the game, wood.. Now trees are limited, kinda because you can get saplings to replant trees, or you could play Deforestation simulator 2016 and say a big ( insert censor bar here) to the environment. Of course as in real life there are consequences for fully depleting these resources as in get it screwed once all of your weapons break and there is no wood to replace them. So that is it for this envirogamer, and help stop Steve's deforestation at


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