Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sixth Extinction

This is the list of my new wildlife conservation agency ( 6th Ex .INC) that has five criteria for animals we want to save from extinction. First is Importance if it were to go the way of the dodo would the environment really miss it. Second is how long do they have,we can't save every species and some timetable would let them be able to be put to the wayside to get one that is only a year or so out. Cost we are limited in resources and that has to be an unfortunate factor. How long would it take again limited resources (that includes time). can it keep itself in check after we help,it  can't do that it might not be worth saving anyways. So let do a demonstration by using the panda. ( And some of these things could affect humans in the near future if we are not careful)

Importance: almost non-existent

How long do they have: if people's wallets keep talking forever

Cost: an ungodly sum of money

How long would it take: It is almost a permanent life support ( we need cut the cash flow on this life support).

After help could they last: Oh heck no!

The panda is a freeloading piece of  $#!% that needs to be put out of its misery

Here a five species I put to the test to find the one I wanted to save:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nJBCrCMOuQpb4_-x2pFs65QTON4pY08ihf_4lJudT9E/edit?usp=sharing

And the winner is the Giant Otter who will get the save the leader treatment due to the ramifications that could happen to other species if we didn't

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