Thursday, June 2, 2016

Energy Crisis

Okay, some from what research I was able to do I found that we aren’t really in what you would call an energy crisis. What most people mean when they are talking about energy is the three fossil fuels coal, oil, and natural gas.Now since these are non-renewable resources  we will run out of them eventually but how long that will take ( now this is where things get messy, you see while looking things up for this post I keep finding these wild number from 20 years to 300 years but the ones that I use are what I considered being the most reliable it’s from a business news article from back in last September so I will use it’s numbers). From what I found we should have about 53 years of oil, 54 of natural gas, and 110 of coal and these numbers aren’t calculating for what would happen if we decreased our usage of these fossil fuels. But the worst thing is unless we have some magic device from the future that can just make more oil, coal, or natural gas we won’t be able to use it ever again and since we rely on it so much if it were just to disappear it would be the economic downfall of many countries in the middle east like Saudi Arabia. But okay we may run out of an energy source but that does not mean that we will run out of energy. But there are more resources than just fossil fuels like solar, wind, water, and even the surprisingly good for the environment nuclear fission all of these are ways to get the energy that we have at our fingertips. But of course, when to think that we need to run this horse until it is run dries up and becomes a pillar of salt. And that is why countries like Russia, Iran, and Qatar can be so prosperous because they own eighty percent of the of the world’s oil and they sell it to countries like the  united states so that they make money off of our unwillingness to change. Of course after seeing the number of years are prehistoric friends have left we need to start looking towards new energy resources. And there is also this little nuisance connected to fossil fuels called climate change but the Earth changing its climate to one that could destroy all that humans have built up since the beginning of agriculture ( because destroying ourselves seems to be what humanity is best at). But of course, why spend a bit more money to save the future when we could just watch it burn right now ( should I start Disco Inferno now). So if we don’t end up nuking the entire world into Fallout and we run out of oil, coal, and natural gas the Earth will wish that they would have tried to integrate renewable resources but instead we are here eating rad roach meat and scraping a cradle for two metal. And people already use things like solar panels to get enough energy that they could sell the rest to someone like Duke energy and make a little money in the process.So that is just some food for thought 

Works Cited 

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