Saturday, February 13, 2016


So a day or two ago we watched Interstellar which got weird towards the end, but I am no critic so I am not going to judge the movies artistic nature I am just here to talk about the science so let's do that. The first thing that I would like to discuss is the reason that the movie says we would have to recolonize is that we used up all of are resources except for a few crops like corn, and the world has basically has become a global dust-bowl. Now If ( and let's be perfectly honest hear, when) this happen in real life what steps could we take to prevent it now. The best idea I could find was ( FYI this is just referring  to the food shortage) we start a global food bank where each season farmers would put x percent of  the crops that won't spoil and just keep that in revers until we need it. Thought an idea that seem more realistic is GMO's which would allow crops to adapt to a new climate or region, and it could help the crops survive several natural disasters. Now GMO's are something that many people including myself are very skeptical of, but I believe that some of them can have very healthy and financial success. Now let's come back to Interstellar and say that all of are efforts are fruitless and it's the end of the world as we know it, what conditions do we need to find on a planet for us to be able to safely colonize? So the first condition is the planet needs to be in the habitat zone around whatever star it is orbiting which is very rare but there is also a high probability that their are an infinite number of worlds so it is not as as hard as it might seem. Second thing is it needs water and I am already making a childern's book about how water go here so that link will be in the comments. Last thing ( that we will be discussing)  is an atmosphere that can protect the planet from UV rays, the right amount of pressure, and must contain carbon dioxide and oxygen. So I will just say screw that crap let's just build a spaceship find a planet that has the resources that we can't create artificially like water ( to an extent we can't make it artificially) and bring it up from other planets. And are waste we can just shoot to the nearest star instead of wasting space on the station or on another planet and just hop from sustainable planet to sustainable planet. So now like Interstellar we are in the realm of Sci-Fi no Sci so this will be as good as a place as any to stop and reflect on the existence of humanity. That is it, that is all tell me how crazy i am in the comments and watch Interstellar it is actually a good movie, don't believe what Andy Signor will tell you.    


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