Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Crucial Skill: Evidence

Bad science is something that the media will uses so that they can make an article that claims something absurd like for example and article heading may look like this, Studies show that all Arsonist have lit a match at one point in there life. Now that is a blatantly evil example of click bait, but the media knows how to be clever and crafty about how they write every part of there article. But that is not what we are hear to talk about, we are here to talk about bad science not the evil of the media so lets talk about Bad Science. The article that I will be using as an example is linked right here So first lets talk about good science, good science is science that has factual data that cannot be disputed or that at least is honest ( lookup pharmaceutical corruption to understand what I am talking about) about it data. So lets look at how this article uses bad science, first up this test was conduced from 1997-2013 the survey done in Chicago on middle age people that asked them about there diets. Once those people had died they collected their brains and examined them. So one of the first things that they found was that the patients that had eaten more fish had higher levels of mercury than normal. However that article is saying that the fish could prevent alzheimers in middle age people. Now form what I now about Alzheimer is that it may be hereditary and that cases have come in form people of the age of 40 and above, so I pose a question a majority of cases I have heard and read about have had people showing people that are middle age beginning to show symptoms of it, so if these people never showed symptoms that means that they either didn't have it at all or the article is correct. However there was no control group so we don't know exactly if all of these peoples Hippopotamus would have begun to deteriorated or not. This article was a bit shady on how the whole trial worked but all I can say is that I diagnoses it to be suffering for a case of bad science.                


  1. I've encountered a few of these kinds of articles. They not only mislead the public, but they can create unnecessary fear. Human pride can also cause us to fight over information. Thankfully, people are becoming more aware of this false information. We all should make sure we know what's real.

  2. Bad evidence can also come in the form of statistics, which you can find more about on my blog or I'm going to give a short summary. The World Health Organization or WHO said the bacon and other processed meats increase your chances to get cancer. What they didn't tell you is that actually the percent increase 0.042%. That doesn't really do that much for putting you in risk off getting cancer. They also never tell you how many people they have tested to get this statistics.
